A Message from Joerg Hofmann CEO LEVC

Gentlemen of the Taxi Trade, 

We are all facing some challenges by the fast spreading Coronavirus throughout Europe.

At LEVC we keep our operations fully running by working from home offices where possible and keeping our production line working until a two weeks planned Easter break. Also our Retail Operations at Brewery Road will keep up the service for you.

Since we notice quite tough market conditions with empty streets in London, Paris and Berlin having a big negative impact on our trade, we are working with our banking partners Blackhorse and Octopus to offer deferred payment schemes for everyone who still has the vision to plan for the time after the virus and buying new TX now.

At the same time, we are talking to TfL and the Mayors office to use our TX fleet in London to move government officials around and to supermarket chains to use TX for home delivery. So far we got very positive response and we will keep you updated about further developments on this initiative .

It puts things into a positive perspective if we look at China these days and see that life there is back to normal with demand catching up the last six weeks of shut down.

Rest assured that we at LEVC are already planing far ahead for the time after the virus.

With best wishes,



Visit our YouTube Channel at www.LCDC.TV

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