Heathrow Drop Off Charge
LCDC – 18 March 2022

Inter-terminal exemptions – forecourt to forecourt
- After further consideration, inter-terminal drop offs will be exempt from the Terminal Drop Off charge. The attached slides explain this in more detail.
- As explained on the call last week, we’re concerned about the cost being passed on incorrectly to customers when it shouldn’t be, so this agreement is subject to review if we have complaints or identify that this being abused in any way.
Terminal to airport hotels exemptions
- The hotels mentioned aren’t subject to Heathrow’s Terminal Drop Off Charge, as this applies on our terminal forecourts only. We are aware that at least one of the hotels you’ve mentioned has introduced their own drop off charge, and in these circumstances you could be subject to their drop off charges. Please refer to the hotel’s website and terms & conditions for more information.
Blue Badge
- The process is covered in the slides. To be clear, this is our standard process for Blue Badge passengers, regardless of whether they are being dropped off by a personal vehicle, private hire, or black cab. This process has been in place since 1st November, and is working well so far.
- We recommend that you check that the blue-badge holder discount has been applied by matching the blue-badge holder’s receipt ID with the taxi driver’s receipt ID. This can be done within the taxi drivers business account’s ‘Manage Trips’ section. No charge should be added to the meter if the taxi has been registered for a Blue Badge discount.
- Without evidence that the 100% discount has been confirmed and references the taxi driver’s vehicle registration number, taxi drivers should be adding on the charge.

Heathrow Terminal Drop-Off Charge Taxi Frequently Asked Questions
What are the Terminal Drop-Off Charge operating hours?
The Terminal Drop-Off Charge operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year across all terminal forecourts.
How will I know when I am entering into the charging zone? / How will Heathrow enforce the charge?
There is clear signage on roads in and around the airport to ensure drivers are fully aware of chargeable areas. The charging zone starts on entry to the terminal forecourt. Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras will be used to enforce the charge, there are no barriers.
When will the 100% taxi discount* end?
The 100% automated discount will end on Friday 29th April 2022 at 23:59:59pm. From Saturday 30th April 2022 taxi drivers must pay the Terminal Drop-Off Charge for every drop-off at a terminal forecourt. This charge can be passed over to the passenger by adding £5.20 onto the meter.
- The 100% discount is only for taxi’s (black cab) actively licensed with TfL London Taxi and Private Hire (TPH).
How do I pay for the Terminal Drop-Off Charge?
The charge can be paid online, by account auto-pay functionality or via an automated telephone service (0330 008 5600). Drivers can pay any time before their drop-off or by midnight the next day. Failure to pay will result in a £80 Parking Charge Notice (PCN) being issued, reduced to £40 if paid within 14 days.
Payments can only be made by card. Cash and cheque payments are not accepted. There are no payment machines on the forecourts.
What’s the recommended way for taxi drivers to pay the Terminal Drop-Off Charge?
HAL recommend taxi drivers register for a business account on www.heathrow.com/dropoff. Business accounts are free and allows drivers to set up and benefit from autopay functionality. By having a business account taxi drivers can view all their drop-offs and reconcile registered blue badge drop-offs by passengers.
I have dropped off more than once today on the terminal forecourts, do I need to pay for all drop- offs?
Yes, you are charged for each drop-off.
I have picked up a passenger from a terminal rank and dropped them off at another terminal forecourt do I need to pay for this drop-off?
No, these drop-offs will be automatically exempted. You must not add the £5.20 onto the meter. Heathrow may take action against taxi drivers who abuse this exemption.
I have picked up a passenger from a terminal hotel (i.e., T5 Sofitel) and dropped them on a terminal forecourt, do I need to pay the Heathrow Terminal Drop-Off Charge?
Yes, you will be charged. You can add the charge onto the taxi meter.
I have picked up a passenger from a terminal rank and dropped them off to a terminal hotel (i.e., T5 Sofitel), do I have to pay the hotel’s drop-off charge?
Yes, if the hotel has a drop-off charge you could be subject to their charges. Please refer to the hotel’s website and terms & conditions for more information.
My passenger doesn’t wish to pay the Terminal Drop-Off Charge, is there a free drop-off area?
A free drop-off option is available at Heathrow’s Long Stay car parks, where passengers can take a free bus transfer to the terminal. The free drop-off is for up to 30 minutes, after this time normal parking rates apply. Follow road signs to ‘Remote drop-off’ and ‘Long Stay’. Vehicles can only enter the Long Stay car park once per day.

My passenger has a Blue-Badge what should I do?
Passengers with a valid UK or European Economic Area (EEA) blue-badge are eligible to apply for the 100% discount from the drop-off charge. The blue-badge holder can apply for the 100% discount by entering taxi’s vehicle registration number. They can apply up to 3 months in advance, during the trip or by midnight the day after the drop-off. The taxi driver can check that the blue-badge holder discount has been applied by matching the blue-badge holder’s receipt ID with their receipt ID. This can be done within the taxi drivers business account’s ‘Manage Trips’ section. No charge should be added to the meter if the taxi has been registered for a Blue Badge discount.
Without evidence that the 100% discount has been confirmed and references the taxi driver’s vehicle registration number, taxi drivers should be adding on the charge.
Blue-badge holders travelling by taxi
▪ Only those who hold a valid UK or European Economic Area (EEA) blue-badge are eligible to apply for the 100% discount from the drop-off charge.
▪ The 100% discount does not extend to those with disabilities or a Taxicard who do not have a blue-badge.
▪ Blue-badge holders arriving by taxi can apply for the discount using the taxi’s vehicle registration number. They can
apply up to 3 months in advance, during the trip or by midnight the day after the drop-off.
▪ No charge should be added to the meter if the taxi has been registered for a Blue Badge concession.
▪ The taxi driver can check that the blue-badge holder discount has been applied by matching the blue-badge holder’s receipt ID with their receipt ID. This can be done within the taxi drivers business account’s ‘Manage Trips’ section
▪ Without evidence that the 100% discount has been confirmed and references the taxi drivers vehicle registration number, taxi drivers should be adding on the charge.
▪ We will be working with TfL to ensure that blue-badge holders know what to do – updating both our webpages.
My passenger has a taxi card are they exempt from paying the Terminal Drop-Off Charge?
Passengers who have a taxi card must also have a valid UK or EEA blue-badge to be eligible for the 100% discount from the Terminal Drop-Off Charge.
I drove through the Terminal 3 forecourt to get to the Terminal 3 taxi rank will I be charged?

Terminal 3 pick up
▪ Taxis coming from the Feder Park who are picking up customers at the Terminal 3 rank will be able to drive through the Terminal 3 departures forecourt without incurring a charge.
▪ There is technology in place to detect these drive throughs on the forecourt.
▪ At Terminals 2, 4 & 5, pick-up and drop-off are on different levels so the pick-up journeys do not involve driving through the departures forecourt.
▪ Taxi drivers picking up in an unauthorised area will have their vehicle registration numbers and green badge identifier captured and their details passed on to TfL licensing to issue a 7 day suspension.
I have a query; how can I get in touch?
These FAQs are subject to change; we are continuously working to improve processes and will communicate to the taxi trade any changes which will impact taxi drivers.
If you have any questions or queries to do with your account or payment, please contact APCOA via one of the following contact channels:
• Customer Services phone number: 0333 200 7459
• General Enquiries: generalenquiries.heathrowdropoff@apcoa.com