LCDC Put forward additional changes to TFL Consultation Review.

Today, Myself and LCDC Committee members attended a zoom meeting with a company called AECOM who is meeting with stakeholders such as the Club to discuss the upcoming TFL taxi and Private Hire consultation 2022.

The consultation can be read on the link below but the Club wanted to make our views known on a couple of points that we feel need addressing by Tfl.

These were

1. PH Roundels should change colour every year: this would stop rogue PH drivers using vehicles that are no longer licensed.

2. No tinted windows in PH Vehicles: These new DFT standards are due to the grooming gangs in the North of England and we feel it is abhorrent that members of the public can be abused in PH vehicles under the darkness of tinted windows.

3. No letters of “Good conduct” accepted by TFL in license applications unless TFL can get proof of residency.

4. ADT: ALL taxi and PH drivers should have to undergo an Advanced Driving Test before being licensed.

If TFL and the Mayor are really serious about their “Net Zero” project in London then TFL MUST bring in all these additional changes to their licensing process.

statutory taxi and private hire vehicle (PHV) standards.

Grant Davis


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