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Compliance Statistics Monday 13-02-2017
The LCDC have been compiling daily compliance stats from sightings sent in from drivers around...
London Stalling – a report on London’s congestion by the GLA
Holding the Mayor to account and investigating issues that matter to Londoners Over a decade ago,...
TPH journey-related sexual offences
We work closely with the Metropolitan Police Service and City of London Police to prevent taxi and...
Follow The Money | Uber VAT Case | Interview with Jolyon Maugham
Jolyon Maugham speaks to Grant Davis on LCDC TV and talks about the Uber VAT case and gives us the...
UKIP’s Mayoral Candidate for London, Peter Gammons Interviewed
Peter Gammons is the UKIP Mayoral Candidate for London and he talks to Grant Davis of the London...
Damming Revelations About David Cameron Lobbying For Uber
More Tory sleaze exposed with revelations about former Prime Minister David Cameron and his...