Transport for London

TfL Stakeholder Engagement Policy
Today, TFL contacted the LCDC with their latest Taxi & PH Stakeholder Engagement Policy, it is worth all taxi drivers reading this from our regulator. Good afternoon, Further to recent discussion, and as a result of feedback provided by you (our stakeholders), we...

LSP Letter to Heidi Alexander Deputy Mayor for Transport
5 June 2020 Heidi AlexanderDeputy Mayor for TransportCity HallThe Queen's WalkLondon SE1 2AA Dear Deputy Mayor, On 28 May 2020, the Mayor invited Licensed London Taxi Drivers to advance representations, expressing views on the proposed London Streetspace Plan...

Letter to the Mayor Re Uber license
Rt Hon Sadiq Khan Mayor of London City Hall The Queens Walk London SE1 2AA 5th August 2019 Dear Mayor Khan, Uber Probationary License As I am sure you are aware on the 31st July 2019 at Westminster Magistrates Court, Uber London Ltd were found guilty of on two...

Transport for London and Number 10 face information watchdog probe over Uber emails
London Assembly transport committee chair Caroline Pidgeon revealed the development in City Hall. Transport for London and Downing Street are facing an investigation from the Information Commissioner's Office, Liberal Democrat Caroline Pidgeon revealed in City Hall on...

An urgent call for a public inquiry into TfL
On Friday 6th January 2017, a meeting took place with the Prime Minister Theresa May, asking for a public inquiry into Transport for London (TfL). With the help of the Taxi trade organisations, Mrs May was handed documents to back up the London Taxi drivers request....

TPH journey-related sexual offences
We work closely with the Metropolitan Police Service and City of London Police to prevent taxi and private hire-related sexual offences in London, bring offenders to justice and push for the toughest penalties possible. The safety of passengers using taxis and private...

Taxi/PH Apps put to the Mayor
Road safety relating to the use of apps and the publication of data by TfL I was very encouraged by your response to my questions at yesterday’s Mayor’s Question Time in relation to the use of apps by taxi and private hire drivers. There are however a few issues I...

Taxi and Private Hire Action Plan 2016
Part of the Greater London Authority family of organisations led by Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, we are the integrated transport authority responsible for delivering the Mayor’s strategy and commitments on transport. As a core element in the Mayor’s overall plan for...

LCDC Demands Public Inquiry into Tfl
July 23, 2016 The new Mayor is going to be tainted by what has happened before he took Office. There is only one way to get to the truth: a Public inquiry into the running of TfL! It's not just Taxis; its several things such as a failed Air Quality strategy-we can all...

Grant Davis and Mark White meets with Caroline Pidgeon
Today, Tuesday 21st June myself and LCDC Heathrow Rep, Mark White met with Caroline Pidgeon, Chair of the transport Committee at the Greater London Assembly to get up to speed with where we are regarding Tfl, Val Shawcross and going forward with the PH Regs...