Winter wonderland or Blunder Land?

This year sees Winter Wonderland (WW) opening on the 20th November until the 3rd of January. Every year we seem to have problems here with either ranking or dropping off and this is mainly down to the Royal Parks not wanting us to rank inside the park. This year we have tried to get things sorted out by starting negotiations with Royal Parks, Westminster council and TPH early.

But like most years the Royal Parks have made things difficult for us. This year we see the footprint for WW moving more northwards following the concert route. The entrance/ exit that was at Queen Mothers Gate has moved to the middle of the park by the boating hut, the organisers don’t want it used as exit favouring everyone to use the north entrance. The north exit is near Brook Gate where we will have two coach bays on Park Lane as our rank for the next 7 weeks. The drop off will be like we do for normal events in the park QVM, Park Lane near Brook Gate. I know we will probably see which exit is being used the most and start making our own ranks to service the public which will probably annoy the Royal Parks. But let’s try and give the Brook Gate rank our full support and hope between the organisers and the Marshall’s they will get the public to utilise the Brook Gate rank. Winter Wonderland attracts over 2 million visitors; please support the marshals and our taxi ranks.

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