by LCDC | May 31, 2016 | News, Uber
Uber, a company that is now valued over $60 billion conducted a well funded lobbying campaign last year to defeat Mayor de Blasio’s effort to cap the number of Uber cars in the city. The lobbying highlighted the number of minority Uber drivers in the city: “The...
by LCDC | May 5, 2016 | News, Uber
The real truth about the long-standing interpretation of legislation.Or how Leon Daniels interpreted it for Über! Why is the Taxi and Private Hire legislation open to interpretation? Well, that’s because most people are fairly unique……but are also...
by LCDC | May 3, 2016 | News, Uber
Uber, the controversial min-cab service, has changed a page on its UK website which encouraged its drivers to work 65-hour weeks amid growing concern about “excessive and unsafe” hours driven on the service.Until last week, the entry page for new recruits on the...