HAL Taxi Trade Liaison Meeting

Thursday 5th of May 2022

Meeting location: Compass Centre

Teams 11:00 – 12:00

Review of Actions

Electric Charging Points Are there any planned increases to the cost of charging electric taxis at the taxi feeder park? – Cost to be updated by Dan – prices likely to drop before going up again.

Topics discussed

TDOC (Terminal Drop Off Charge):

Exemption ended 30th April. TDOC to be refunded to all account holders, 1-2 business days to refund. Only 10+ seat vehicle to be exempt. No back (retrospective) charges to be applied to Vito drivers who were not charged – will be from 11th May.

APCOA Forecourt Advisors. TDOC Patrol team operating only – to be expanded for T4 reopening.

Feeder Park – more staff being trained & recruited

Police update: Concerns were raised about vehicles parking up on M4/M25 spurs – If you witness this, please let the APCOA team know at the Cab-in. On-going issue Police: HE & HAL working together to address. Signs to be deployed on both the spurs.

Call Apoc non-emergency number 02087457216 for Spur and touting.

Emergency number while at Heathrow only 02087591212

Minutes and Actions

Taxi Feeder Project Update – update provided by the project team 9th March 2022. Unlikely to be implemented this year but more news in July.

Dan Chaquico update – Commercial.

CAA settlement delayed till June-July.

If drivers want to charge their cars, we need a system where drivers can charge their car and not lose their place in the queue. This will be part of the new IT system. Sean to work on a manual process.

The under-recovery money accrued due to the Pandemic period – money from the last couple of months are heading in a good direction. Make sure any future increase (decrease) ties in with TfL consultations.

There was an agreement that other private hires/Ubers would pay more to access the AVA/Short Stay Car Parks than Black Cabs pay to use Taxi Feeder Park.


T4 reopening in June

Minutes / Actions

Tags: No change until Airport is back to normal (T4 reopens in the Summer) and Drivers do not block roads when returning to Terminals or Taxi Feeder Park. HAL’s Charanjit Brar Singh reiterated his threat to scrap the local journey/fair fares system if Drivers continued to park on hatched areas.

Please encourage drivers to return tags if they are longer need them.

Reps: No night sign in’s 1 hour after last flight and 1 hour before 1st arrival.

Next meeting will be the 7th of July, 1200-1300

Mark White

Visit our YouTube Channel at www.LCDC.TV

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