Thanks for the conversation and for the opportunity to reassure you that the proposal, agreed with Train Operators operating within St Pancras International, involves an area inside the station building where people queue for black cabs, protected from the elements, at the ‘head’ of the ‘rank’ rather than anything to do with the vehicle queuing rank itself. The proposal, agreed and published in June 2018, is to convert some of the under-used internal passenger queuing space into a larger retail unit.
The full proposal can be found within the Register Of Changes via the attached link:
As you will see at no point is there any suggestion that a Private Hire/Uber Waiting Space is being developed in the proposed extended retail unit. Space within the building of St Pancras International is at a premium and the change of use for part of the internal passenger queuing area is simply a reflection of prudent building management and to improve services for our customers.
I appreciate the concerns that you very clearly voiced about the Uber competition and hope that this helps prevent any misplaced escalation of concerns now that you are in full sight of the facts and clarified terminology, which we use within the station environment. I can appreciate how this may have caused some concerns if only part of the picture is available. If anything, the improved queue control systems (new tensa queuing system) inside the station, improved passenger wayfinding and remarked Bay 1 & Bay 2 zones (in the Head itself) should improve the provision of services for customers wishing to take black cabs.
I hope this helps and with your agreement I will share your details with my colleagues who deal with planning consents if we need to speak with the Black Cab trade bodies in the future.