The LCDC are vehemently opposed to the introduction of a 10 year prohibition placed on every London taxi. The ULEZ consultation paper is in our opinion premature, it requests that the industry decide and except a technology that is not even available to the trade and not even on the horizon at this moment in time. We’re in continuous dialog with TFL on this matter and we are insisting that the 15 year prohibition in place at the moment is retained. We will be more than happy to discuss with the TFL when such technology is available and tried and tested. If the 10 year prohibition on the Licensed London taxi is enforced, it will certainly be the beginning of the end of the yellow badge sector taxi drivers as they are reliant on buying their taxis from the Green Badge drivers due to the fact that a suburban Licensed taxi driver takes far less in his/her takings as their fellow counter parts working in central London, making a purchase of a new taxi prohibitive.
New Taxi – Maxi Cab – Grant visits Allied Vehicles
Grant Davis visited Allied Vehicles in May this year 2024 and spoke to Peter Facenna about the...