Ever since becoming Chairman of the LCDC 14 years ago, one of the most enjoyable meetings I attended was the meeting every quarter with our Mayor. What ever you’re view of Boris Johnson, the meetings were eventful most of the time and i still remember Boris calling taxi garages at the meetings pretending to be a taxi driver when we had the TX4 fires and a shortage of taxis…. ( I got him to call to prove Leon Daniels claims that there was not a shortage completely bogus)
But once Sadiq got in as Mayor, he made it perfectly clear that he would NOT be meeting the taxi trade groups and we would only meet with the Deputy Mayor for Transport, Heidi Alexander. Why did Sadiq not follow Ken Livingstone and Boris Johnson who met with us?
But what is more alarming is that whilst he insists he will not meet representatives for the licensed taxi trade, he seems more than happy to roll the red carpet out for Dara Khosrowshahi and entertains him regularly at City Hall…. why?

Uber is just a mini cab firm, no more, no less and why our Mayor acts in such a way should. ( in my opinion) be viewed with suspicion.
We have seen Nick Clegg join Facebook and maybe our Mayor has his eyes on the next big job?
Maybe a Global Green Ambassador for Uber?
touring the globe explaining how he turned London green and with the help from Uber…. other Cities could follow the same path.
Think what does the Mayor gain from speaking to us, compared to what he could gain from becoming close to Dara whilst Mayor and I think thats the thing.
A valid point has been made on Twitter that a Mayor who spouts London does not need a “car lead recovery “ seems to have no problem continually licensing a company that uses over 80k PRIVATE Vehicles to survive.
We are all use to high profile individuals spout one thing but do the other…… and this Mayor is no different in my opinion.
Grant Davis