by LCDC | Jan 2, 2022 | Podcast Play in new window | DownloadTransport for London should hang their heads in shame. Uber have been allowed to operate unlawfully thanks for TfL. We discuss what happened in in the High Court that will...
by LCDC | Jan 1, 2022 | Podcast Play in new window | DownloadIn todays show we are interviewing London cabbie, author, qualified tour guide & successful YouTuber Tom Hutley who is known as ‘Tom the Taxi Driver’ on...
by LCDC | Dec 31, 2021 | Podcast Play in new window | DownloadOn today’s show we will be talking to Roy McMaster who has been involved in the cab trade for the last 40 years he first worked with LTI and was instrumental getting the...
by LCDC | Dec 30, 2021 | Podcast Play in new window | DownloadThe taxi trade is at worrying cross-road! | The Mayor of London has decimated the taxi fleet and insults the trade by grandstarding at the LEVC factory along with TfL...
by LCDC | Dec 29, 2021 | Podcast Play in new window | DownloadMany drivers cannot get back to work due to lack of taxis. We will be interviewing Michael Glassman from Colts Cabs who has the biggest taxi fleet in London his thoughts on...
by LCDC | Dec 28, 2021 | Podcast Play in new window | DownloadAlan McGrady, the LCDC Ranks and Highways Rep officer goes into detail regarding new taxi ranks and the work and effort that goes in by the Ranks and Highways committee in...