Trade Meeting with LEVC
Today I attended a meeting with LEVC, mytaxi, GETT, UNITE and blue Rubicon. Unfortunately, I'm guessing due to other commitments there was no LTDA, UCG, RMT present which is a shame as I believe the new Taxi we are having to buy could maybe be a bridge to far for the...
LTPH Medical Review
LTPH want to review the way in which you have your medicals done for your Taxi license and who will be able to undertake your medicals. LTPH want to contract out your medical to the highest bidder rather than your own doctor, who knows you and your medical...
Tfl ask Trade “How Can We promote the Knowledge?”
Yes, you did read that right, Tfl have asked the Trade Orgs today for ideas on how Tfl should / could promote the KOL. After 15 mins I could not refrain myself and told Tfl attendees that the reason the numbers for the KOL are at an all time low was solely due to Tfl...
Taxi medicals on the Agenda:
On Monday I represented the Club at Tfl regarding the on going situation with Driver medicals, this all stems from the expose in The Sun Newspaper where PH drivers were actually "buying" their medicals without undertaking the proper medical tests. Tfl are looking at...
Jo Johnson MP looks at allowing Cross Border Hiring…….another Tory…same old story!
Is HMRC in cahoots with the Govt to leave American Tech Companies alone?…………
London Taxi War Disabled Lunch
I was extremely pleased to represent the LCDC at today's lunch to applaud the hard work undertaken by the Charities Collectors: They brave all weathers and over the years they have raised thousands of pounds collecting at places such as Liverpool St Station, Millwall...
Meeting with Neil Coyle MP
This afternoon along with LCDC member, Darren Curtis we met our MP Neil Coyle at his offices on Jamaica Road: We discussed the proposed CSH on Jamaica Rd and the repercussions for not only the Taxi trade but local residents. We also spoke at length about the UBER...
Mytaxi hopes for 2018
Today I attended the new my taxi offices in GSS to discuss 2018. Andrew Pinnington informed me that he had seen a 40% increase in work volumes building up to Christmas and he envisaged an increase of up to 50% this year. We discussed Many trade issues regarding London...
Weʼre raising £2,500 to London Taxi Driver, Sean Stockings who had his license revoked 3 months ago by TFL. Please donate 2 help him cover his bills for this period
Thank you all for taking a few minutes to read about Sean Stockings and the appalling treatment he has suffered at the hand of TfL and Leon Daniels in particular. Sean is a Licensed Taxi Driver with a young family and a super kind heart. Sean...